After resisting temptation for a number of years, my resurgence of interest in music saw me pick up a turntable last weekend and I couldn’t be happier – though my wallet might disagree.
Secondary achievement unlocked: picking up the entire Love and Rockets catalog and every New Order vinyl box set on the market.
May 28, 2023, marks the third time I’ve seen Love and Rockets live. I bought tickets to Bauhaus last year but had to travel for business shortly before they aborted the whole tour anyway. It’s just as well. I was always 100x the Love and Rockets fan than I ever was a Bauhaus fan.
As expected, they were nothing short of amazing. Still one of my favorite bands, live or recorded, after all these years.
Based on some quick research, it would appear that the other two times I saw Love and Rockets were:
December 11, 1987, at the Paramount Theater w/Jane’s Addiction
June 12, 1989, at the Seattle Center Arena w/The Godfathers
No, this is not my actual ticket.
Pro-tip: If you can find it, get yourself a copy of “Lift,” their final album. It was released in 1998 and is still probably ahead of its time. It’s not available on Apple Music, Spotify, etc. for whatever reason, but Amazon usually has CDs of it for relatively cheap. It’s worth every penny.